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Timeless - Appreciate

Updated: May 3, 2021

"Finally, brothers, rejoice. Aim for restoration, comfort one another, agree with one another, live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you." 2 Corinthians 13:11 (ESV)

Instructions for "Appreciate":

God's Word tells us that we must have an attitude of gratitude. Faith and gratitude are key components to the culture of heaven, and they both are extremely powerful realities.

Not only must we demonstrate a gratitude to God, but we must show appreciation for those in our own families. We must never worship or glorify cultures or ancestry. Our mission is to recognize the contributions and struggles of those before us, and to recognize that many of the tribulations and troubles they have endured have been locked away as secrets that must be exposed to the light and love of Christ. Our appreciation of our families can provide the opening that allows the love of God to flow.

Some of the ways we can express our appreciation are:

Work collaboratively on a Family Tree Project

This work can present an opportunity to have open and honest dialogue about many things that can facilitate healing through Jesus Christ. As you discover information you didn't know before, you can begin to pray issues relating to hurt feelings, addictions, abandonment, the impact of slavery, isolation and loneliness, and many other traumatic and hurtful events. These, and many other emotional and social problems have caused much sadness and pain for generations; yet, it is possible that no one has ever prayed about them.

Working on a Family Tree Project can also enhance your own since of belonging and self-esteem. The past was difficult for many of our family members. We can increase our level of gratitude to God for bringing them through, for making a way for our own lives, and we can also better appreciate the struggles and sacrifices of those before us.

This project might also allow the opportunity to reach to senior family members that are feeling isolated and unappreciated.


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