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Thank You for My Success

Heavenly Father,

In the name of Jesus Christ, I humbly come before Your throne. You are holy and omnipotent, and there is none like You. Please forgive me for all my sins. I am sorry for all the things that I have said, felt, thought, and done that were contrary to Your Word and Will. Please forgive my ignorance regarding the wrong things that were not according to Your Word and Will. Thank You for helping me to be more understanding and compassionate toward others and to be more aware of my actions.

You are the Almighty, All Powerful and Omnipotent God. Nothing or no one compares to You and Your love. I’m not worthy to receive all the wonderful blessings You have given me, and I am so thankful that You have blessed me despite my unworthiness. I recognize that the least I can do is to give back to You what You have so freely given. Thank You for helping me to be a conduit of Your love, so that I give to others out an abundance of love for You and a desire to live according to Your Will.

Ephesians 1:11 tells us that You predestined me even before the very foundations of the world to be Yours. Heavenly Father, I’m far from perfect, but because of what Christ accomplished on the cross, and because I live in him, I am being perfected continually. Thank You for what You are doing in my life, and please show me through Your Spirit how I can help and not hinder this work. I desire to be better today than I was yesterday, and I thank You for choosing me and to be a part of Your Kingdom.

There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t want to do and be better. I want to continuously grow in Your love. I also want to grow in my relationships with others, so that I can show them the light of Christ, because this is what You have called all believers to do. Please direct me to how I can blessing according to Your divine agenda. I desire to fully immerse myself in Your purpose for my life, and I thank You for opening my eyes to the many opportunities You have planted around me so that I may do this. Thank You for the success I’ve had and for the abundance that You have made available through Jesus Christ. Thank You for blessing me to have work that supports the life I have. Thank You for continuing to grant me elevation and promotion as I grow in Christ and do good works according to Your standard. In the precious and powerful name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

“Thank You for My Success” written by Kim Times for Springfield Fellowship, Inc. ©2021. All rights reserved. All done to the glory of God through Jesus Christ, our Lord!


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