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Thank You for Increasing My Influence

Dear Heavenly Father,

I come to You with respect, honor, and reverence for Your glory and magnificence. Thank You for what You’ve done for and in my life. Thank You for how You’ve positioned me to not only accomplish my goals but also to be a blessing to those around me according to Your Will. You have called and commissioned me through Jesus Christ to bear fruit by continually allowing others to see the light of Christ within me and to share the Gospel with them. I thank You father for working through me, and letting Your love and glory be witnessed throughout my entire being. I avail myself to You for You to will and do as You please. Please, Father, continue to employ me as an instrument to move Your Will forward.

I thank You for forgiving my sins. Forgive me, please, Most Holy and Powerful God, for not always looking to You as my sufficiency, and for not having complete faith in You as I should. I ask that You forgive me for leaning on my own understanding instead of trusting that You alone direct my path. Forgive me for falling short of what You have called me to be and not walking in Your Divine Will. I thank You, Father, for not only Your forgiveness and mercy, but please aid my efforts to release fleshly desires and put on the mind of Christ so that I’m aligned with Your plan for my life.

Father, Your Word tells us that You are the One that promotes us. You give us more according to Your Will and Plan. Jesus Christ also tells in Luke 12:48 that us to whom much is given much is required. Father please continue to teach me to operate out of Your overflow. Only You can order our steps, and I want my life with the abundance that Jesus Christ made available for every person. Please show me the way to achieve promotion in my workplace as I also seek to do more for Your Kingdom. Father, please let me recognize Your assignments and the opportunities to do good that You have already planted in my everyday environment.

Thank You for increasing the span of my influence and for helping me to leave a legacy of Your Word to all those I have the privilege of encouraging and inspiring. I seek to give more according to the standard of Your Word, and I know that in order to do this, I must share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Thank You for the favor You’ve shown me in my workplace with management and coworkers and thank You for keeping me in Your favor as I seek You first in all that I do. In the precious name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen

“Thank You for Increasing My Influence”, written by Vince Mack for Springfield Fellowship, Inc. ©2021. All rights reserved. All done to the glory of God through Jesus Christ, our Lord!


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