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Prayer to Leave A Legacy of God's Love

Dear Heavenly Father,

You are holy, holy, holy, and there is none like You. I come to You humbly, first and foremost, seeking forgiveness. Please forgive me for the sins that I have committed that were contrary to Your Word and Will. Forgive me for the actions that have taken me off the path to Your purpose for my life. Thank You for forgiving my sins, and for helping me to be better for Your Kingdom. Thank You for the grace and mercy You've given me throughout my life. I thankful for how You have guided my footsteps and provided me with the all spiritual tools necessary to live a life that is pleasing to You. Heavenly Father, I thank you for my past, present, and future. I come to now giving You glory, honor, and gratitude for being the Almighty and True God that you are.

Thank You for blessing me with my child/children. He/she/they are such a blessing, and I thank You for the light, love, and enjoyment they/he/she brings to my life. Please forgive me for anything that I have done that has or will cause them to think, feel, and do things that are outside the example of Jesus Christ. Thank You for revealing my errors so that I may instruct my child/children correctly, according to Your wisdom. Thank You for saving him/her/them through Your Son, Jesus Christ. Thank You for helping me to raise him/her/them according to the instruction, guidance, and statues of Your Word.

Heavenly Father, I dedicate the life/lives of my child/children to You and ask that You order his/her/their steps in such a way that they are faithful ambassador(s) of Jesus Christ for Your Kingdom. Please help them to mightily walk in faith. Thank You for blessing me to leave a legacy of Your love through my child/children. Thank You that the legacy of Your love through Jesus Christ will forever be in my family's bloodline, and that my children will pass this legacy to their children. Thank You for continuing to abundantly bless me and my child/children as we carry forth all that You have ordained us to be and do.

In the precious name of Jesus Christ.


“Prayer to Leave A Legacy of God's Love”, written by JMack, Springfield Fellowship Inc.© 2021. All rights reserved. All praise and honor to God through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.


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