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Please Forgive Me and Help Me

Updated: Feb 9, 2022

Dear Heavenly Father,

I give You all the praise, glory, and honor, because You alone are worthy. You are the great “I Am”. You are Yahweh, Creator of the entire universe. Psalm 24:1 affirms that everything in the earth, including all its people, belong to You. Thank You for loving us so much that You gave Your only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, as a sacrifice for our sins. Through him, You have rescued us from the kingdom of darkness, and because of this, we have new life through Christ. 1Peter 3:7 says that we have been born again, but not to a life that is going to quickly end. Our new life will last forever because it comes from Your eternal, living Word. All praise and thanksgiving to You for all You have done for us!

Jesus Christ has given us access to You. He tells us in John 14:6 that he is the way, the truth, and the life, and no one can come to You except through him. Because of Christ, we can come boldly before Your throne, with no sense of guilt, sin, or condemnation. I know that I have not always done the right things. I have not been as loving, kind, tenderhearted, and forgiving as You command in Your Word. I have made so many mistakes, Dear Father, and I have sinned against You. Please forgive me. I repent of my sins. I’m not just saying these words because I know I should. I’m saying these words because my heart is to please You. I want You to be happy with my life, and I want to be a better man.

To repent is to have a change of heart and a change of mind. This is what I’m committed to do. Your Word tells me that when I seek Your forgiveness, You will give it and remember my sin know more. Thank You for Your grace and for being so merciful.

I will read and study Your Word more, because 2Timothy 2:15 tells me that this is how I can stand approved before You. When I put Your Word in my mind and heart, Romans 12:2 tells me that You will do a work within me. You will transform me from the inside out through Your precious Holy Spirit. I am so sorry for all the things I have said, thought, felt, and done that were against your Word and against the standard of Your love. Please help me to be better as I continually humble myself before You.

Please help me to be a successful man by Your standards, so that the light of Christ shines in my heart and in everything I do. Please help me to prepare for the future You have destined for my life. Please open my eyes to Your purpose and help me to keep my feet walking on the path that You have laid before me. I know that when my faith and trust are firmly anchored in You, I cannot fail. Thank You for being my Source and Sufficiency, and for blessing me all the days of my life. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

“Please Forgive Me and Help Me”, written by KLizzie for Springfield Fellowship, Inc.,© 2022. All rights reserved. All praise and honor to God through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.


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