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I Want A Happy Life

Updated: Jul 6, 2022

“The name of the LORD is a strong tower; The righteous run to it and are safe.” Proverbs 18:10(NKJV)

Dear Heavenly Father,

You alone are our strong tower and rescue. You give us strength from day to day, and we can count on You with our whole being. All that we are belongs to You, and You have wondrously and marvelously made each of us. You are holy and brilliant, and so are all Your works. I rejoice in Your glory, because through Jesus Christ, it covers me. You have saved me through Your precious Son. Because of him, I can be all that You say I can be, I can do all that You say I can do, and I can have all that You have said in Your Word I can have. I am indeed blessed beyond what I could ever ask or think, because Your mercy and goodness surround me, and they endure forever. If I lived ten thousand lifetimes, I still would not reach the end of Your power, love, and grace. You are good all the time, and all the time You are good.

The Apostle Paul said in Romans 7:15 The Message (MSG), “What I don’t understand about myself is that I decide one way, but then I act another, doing things I absolutely despise.” Father, this is the way I feel sometimes. I do things that I know You don’t approve of, but I do them anyway. Sometimes, I feel as though the weight of the world is on my shoulders. Things get really confused in my mind, and my problems seem unfixable. It’s so twisted up that I can’t see a way through. There are times, when I’m feeling overwhelmed like this, that I go to other sinful things instead of coming to You. Please forgive me for this, Dear Father. For Your Word commands that I must seek You first in all things.

I feel weak sometimes, even though I try to put on a strong front, but I must recognize that this is only because I am trying to rely on my own effort and my own strength. That is not a workable strategy. You have commanded me not to lean on my own understanding, because there’s no way I can figure all this stuff out. You have invited me to leave my burdens at the feet of Jesus Christ, and to trust totally in his finished work on the Cross of Calvary. Please help me to do this Father.

I want my life to be better. I want to be confident, and I realize that the only way to accomplish this is to learn to live by the authority that Jesus Christ has given me. Authority comes from knowing Your Word and practically applying it to my life. I know this, but sometimes I fail to connect the dots. This is because I am not trusting You the way I should. Sometimes, I place more faith in the things of the world than I do in Your Word. I look to unproductive relationships and people. I look to alcohol or other addictive substances. I look to other things that will only lead to more dysfunction and disappointment. Please forgive me, and please help me to release and surrender all this, so that I can be the man You desire me to be.

I want to live a happy life, Father, and Your Word declares that rejoicing in You is my strength. I can be happy in the reality that I am Your child. I can be happy in the reality that if You are for me, no one can be against me. I can be happy that You have saved me from eternal hell and damnation. I can be happy that You knew me even before my body was formed in my mother’s womb. I can be happy that Your plan for my life is glorious, and if I keep my focus on You, all that You have in store will manifest in my life. I claim the bounty of Your blessing over my entire existence, and I claim victory in Christ over all that I do. Thank You for all that You have done for me and will continue to do throughout my life. I pray this prayer in the powerful name of our precious Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Scripture taken from The Message. Copyright ©1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002. Used by permission of NavPress Publishing Group.

“I Want A Happy Life”, written by Fran for Springfield Fellowship, Inc.,© 2022. All rights reserved. All praise and honor to God through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.


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